Interior Painting
Interior painting requires attention to detail. At Freeman Painting of Seattle we hold ourselves to a high standard. We understand the importance of keeping
your space clean while providing professional painting services.
We start every job by working with our customer to coordinate and minimize the intrusion into your home. Whether we are painting your whole home or just
one room, our top priority is to leave the space cleaner than when we arrived.
Our friendly painting professionals are trained to provide a great customer experience. We like to think through every potential challenge and have a game
plan for every job.
We're happy to paint interiors any time of year. Since our summers get backlogged with exterior jobs, we love when we can schedule interior painting projects for late
fall through winter.
Typical Interior Residential or Commercial Painting Services:
- Surface prep (cleaning, sanding, filling, priming)
- Masking and covering surrounding surfaces
- Patch and repair drywall
- Match textured surfaces
- Match existing colors
- Caulking and filling imperfections in woodwork
- Custom staining and finishing natural wood surfaces
- Matching existing stained woodwork
- Painting walls, ceilings, wood work, cabinets. (spraying and hand applied)
- Priming for smoke damage or smell