Contact Freeman Painting West Seattle
Feel free to contact us using the form below with the address and some details about your painting project, we would be happy to come by and give you an estimate on your painting
project big or small. Exterior painting in the Pacific Northwest is seasonal. Generally, the season runs from March and pushes into November, but not all projects are the same. While some projects are
fine to paint in early spring or fall, others should be done in optimal weather conditions. For example, decks are best when done in dryer weather.
Our painting scheduling calendar tends to follow the seasons. In late fall and winter, you can expect our lead time to be as little as 1 week or less for interior painting,
but by the middle of summer our lead time will usually about 2 months out. By July/August we are scheduling jobs that will be squeezed in at the end of October/November with
a chance that they will have to carry over until spring.
Fill out our form as completly as possible for us to best assist you!
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