Exterior Painting
At Freeman Painting of Seattle, we understand how important the maintenance of the exterior of your home is. Paint prep work and quality materials are critical
to success and longevity of your home's exterior surfaces. Whether you have an old home with peeling paint or modern home that just needs a fresh coat,
we can help.
Homes built before 1978 are required to have lead testing done as part of re-painting services by a certified contractor. We will test the underlayers
of your old paint, give you the results and contain any lead paint chips according to E.P.A. regulations, as a standard on on all homes built
before 1978.
Typical Exterior Residential or Commercial Painting Services:
- Pressure washing before painting
- Scraping
- Sanding
- Caulking and filling
- Wood rot identification and repair if possible
- Stain stripping from decks and siding
- Wood brightening after stripping
- Paint and stain all types of exterior surfaces
- Deck refinishing and painting